
Now that the threat of any more freezing is gone, you’re probably looking ahead to warm summer nights sitting on your patio. Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy the warmer weather while preparing your yard for those magical summer nights. 

Preparing Your Yard for Spring Landscaping

Although much of your landscape may appear to be dormant, grasses and trees are still alive and need a helping hand. It’s important to remove damaged greenery to make way for new growth, as well as preparing your outdoor space for the rapid growth that comes with summer.

1) Clean Up

Winter weather can leave quite a mess behind. Before you even think about new landscaping, clean winter damage and rake up debris. Remove dead matter such as dead leaves, freeze-damaged limbs and pine needles. Inspect plants to gauge the extent of the damage.  If the branches are burnt or gelatinous, the plant above the soil may need to but cut to encourage new growth.

2) Map it Out

Putting a plan on paper is crucial for creating a landscape design that makes sense. If you’re working on a simple project, graph and tracing paper might be all you need, but for a complete landscaping overhaul, you’ll want to go with a professional. They’ll start with a property survey and topographical map, and then create a series of conceptual sketches, refining them as you offer additional input. A professional will also be able to install an irrigation and watering system to maintain all the plant life. The end result should be a lush, stunning yard that’s aesthetically pleasing and efficiently organized.

3) Plan for Growth

When choosing new plants and trees, don’t plan for the size they are as saplings, but the size they’ll be once mature. This can prevent problems down the road that arise when you plant things too close together or forget to account for root growth. This is especially true if you have a pool. Extensive root systems can significantly damage your pool.

4) Apply Fertilizer & Mulch

The best time for that first application of lawn fertilizer is in late spring, just as the grass is beginning to grow. In early spring, grasses are focused on root development, so applying fertilizer then will divert the plant’s energy into leaf development too soon. Apply mulch around trees and plants around the same time, preparing them for heat stress, and conserving moisture. You invest a lot of time and resources caring for your landscaping and mulch will keep the trees, shrubs, and flowers in your yard healthy.

5) Prune

Pruning your trees will give them a clean, fresh start for the season, promoting healthy growth. Keep in mind when pruning trees and shrubs that some limbs may need to be pruned even though they aren’t overgrown. If not pruned, the limbs likely will sag when new growth buds out.

A Beautiful Sight

Everyone enjoys getting outside once the weather warms up, but you may want to enjoy the spring season relaxing with friends or family. Why not do the outdoor chores that you truly enjoy and leave the rest to a professional?

To get started on a beautiful landscape design in time for summer guests, Contact Us.