Building a Beautiful, Kid-Friendly Backyard

Building a Beautiful, Kid-Friendly Backyard

Looking for creative ways to make the backyard a place your kids will love to spend time? There are many ideas for sprucing up your outdoor space to keep them active and entertained year round. [bctt tweet=”The challenge in designing a kid-friendly #backyard is...
Top 5 Best Outdoor Living Areas

Top 5 Best Outdoor Living Areas

When you look out your back window, do you like what you see? Outdoor space is often wasted or underutilized, but recent trends make it easier than ever to maximize your backyard. [bctt tweet=”The latest #designtrends pair the functionality of your home with its...
Common Summer Landscaping Problems

Common Summer Landscaping Problems

A beautiful yard can be a valuable extension of your living space. It’s where meals are grilled in summer, and parties are hosted for friends and family. It’s where the kids swim and the dog naps in the sun. You’ve put a lot of time and energy into making...
5 Outdoor Activities to Keep Your Kids Active

5 Outdoor Activities to Keep Your Kids Active

As a child, you probably spent endless hours outside, especially in the summertime. Today, many kids spend the majority of their time indoors, starting at a screen. Kids who spend time outside have been shown to be happier and have less anxiety. [bctt...
Creative Backyard Solutions for Uniquely Shaped Spaces

Creative Backyard Solutions for Uniquely Shaped Spaces

You’ve found the perfect home in the best neighborhood. The only problem? The backyard isn’t a rectangular expanse of green. Maybe it’s a corner lot with a triangle backyard. Perhaps your property runs along a hillside, limiting the flat space. Whatever the shape, you...